We are excited to welcome kids back to AWANA, this fall. Every individual involved is a volunteer and has a heart for children’s ministry. We are delighted to enjoy the time with your kids and challenge them with the truth of God’s Word each AWANA night. This has been a difficult time for many, and we look forward to a fun time together. Please be gracious with us as we know there is much diversity of opinion on some of these matters below:
Preregistration: Each clubber will need to have a registration form completed by a parent/guardian to participate. This form contains personal information, emergency, contact info, etc. It will be kept on file for the AWANA year. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION.
Weekly Registration: Parents will need to signup their kids EACH week in advance using the Eventbrite signup link on website. This will help us prepare volunteers and program each week.
Check In: Parents will need to self screen their family before coming to SBC. At check-in parents will be asked to confirm that they have completed the screening and that all in household are symptom free. CLICK HERE FOR THE SCREENING INFORMATION.
Kids will be checked in at front doors. Kids will join their leader group in the lobby. Parents can then exit the building. We understand that as kids adjust, some parents may wish to stay. We will work to accommodate a few parents, but ask they remain in designated areas, masked and following the distancing protocols.
Pickup: Parents are asked to enter West side door and then make their way down the back hallway to the gym area. This is to avoid disturbing the teaching time in the lobby. As the three age groups finish, leaders will bring kids to gym area to join their family. Parents are asked to be masked and social distant while in building. Families can exit building as soon as they have all their children.
Masks: Southdale Bible Chapel requires the use of masks for everyone in the church building. While there are various opinions on the matter, the Bible clearly instructs us to put the needs of others above our own needs ( Philippians 2:3-4, Romans 12:10, Galatians 5:13, etc.).
We understand that some are unable to wear a mask for various reasons. If this is the case in your family situation, we ask that you consider the safety and needs of others above your own.
Distancing: All attendees are expected to practice physical distancing, when possible, by maintaining a minimum of 6 feet (2 meters) between other attendees.
Layout: Clubbers will be assigned a workspace for each AWANA night. They will keep their handbook, coat, boots, etc. with them at their workspace. This will be their home base for the evening. They can switch to running shoes, keep their personal water bottle, etc. at this location.
Format: The evening is made up of three main activities. Handbook time, game time, and council time. Clubbers will move from one location to another for each activity. A mix of activities and games throughout the evening will give them time to stretch and move. Kids will hand sanitize as they move from one activity area to another.
Games: Kids will have a game time in the gym area. Masks will be worn, and games will focus on low contact activities. Like any gym class there will be potential for some contact.
Games will be team focused with all clubbers participating and having fun.
Water: For simplicity, clubbers are encouraged to bring a personal water bottle. Leaders will provide a drink of water to kids where needed if forgotten.
Awana Signup