What to expect
This Sunday, June 21st, a portion of our congregation anticipates meeting together again under the same roof. We warmly welcome you back, but as expected, things will feel differently for the next little while. Southdale has put measures in place to provide a safe environment and to honour the restrictions recommended by government and health officials. If you come to church this Sunday, here’s what to expect:
- If you plan to attend, sign up ahead of time at Southdale’s website at this LINK. By signing up ahead of time, we can ensure that we’re not exceeding the current limit of 90 persons (first come, first served).
- We require that each person is pre-screened which means you need to fill out an Intake Information sheet for everyone in your family. You can find a link on the Southdale signup link mentioned above. We highly recommend completing this step before arriving.
- Upon arrival, and before entering the building, you will be asked whether you’ve completed the pre-screening questionnaire.
- If you have, you’ll be ushered directly to your seat. If you haven’t, you’ll be directed to the intake/registration area before being ushered to your seat.
- Avail yourself of hand-sanitizer at the station in the foyer.
- The seating in the auditorium has been spaced to achieve physical distancing between households.
- Masks are available. Wearing a mask is voluntary. (they are required if you wish to sing)
- There will be one-way flow of traffic in the hallway with signs/arrows guiding you as to the direction to follow when going to the washroom and when entering or leaving the building.
- The washrooms are to be used by one person at a time (unless you’re with someone from your household).
- The Communion service will start at 9:30a. As in previous weeks, those who opt to stay home may participate through Zoom. We will be hosting the Zoom communion service at the church.
- Bring your own bread and juice for the communion.
- There will be a short break after the communion service. Please respect physical distancing and, though it’s especially challenging, we ask that children stay with parents at all times. (We look forward to returning to normal in the future and lifting this restriction in particular.)
- There will be no Sunday School or nursery available at this time.
- The Sunday Service will be live and streamed online starting at 10:45 am..
- We will dismiss rows after the second service concludes. Exit through the doors near the stage in the auditorium.
- A cleaning crew will disinfect the building after everyone leaves.
- If you have a medically vulnerable condition, we strongly advise that you delay attending the services at Southdale but continue joining online whenever possible through the video conferencing platform